Friday, June 14, 2013


After reading and researching about vocabulary instruction, I have learned a lot about best practices in teaching vocabulary.  One of the articles that sparked my attention was by Robert Marzano entitled The Art and Science of Teaching/Six Steps to Better Vocabulary Instruction.  Marzano describes six steps that can be used to increase vocabulary achievement.  His six steps include:

1.  Provide an explanation of the new term.
2.  Students write their own definition for the word.
3.  Students create a picture for the word.
4.  Engage students in vocabulary activities.
5.  Engage students in conversations with the words.
6.  Involve students with games.

Using the six steps with vocabulary instruction has changed the way I teach vocabulary.  Marzano states that it is important that all six steps are completed to see an increase in achievement.  Next year, I plan to continue using the six steps in my vocabulary instruction.

Another article I read was by Kimberly Tyson entitled Vocabulary Instructional Strategies: Marzano’s Six Step Process.  She discusses the importance of having effective vocabulary instruction and learning the words in multiple contexts.  Tyson also suggests using Robert Marzano’s six step process to teach vocabulary because it offers students the opportunity to experience the words in multiple contexts.  She also states the importance of being intentional when it comes to vocabulary instruction.  I truly believe that when teachers are intentional with vocabulary instruction, students will work to their potential and vocabulary achievement will increase.

This action research has helped me to see the benefits of using Marzano’s six step vocabulary process.  It has truly changed the way I teach vocabulary and has made a difference in my students’ understanding of vocabulary.

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