Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Putting the Big Rocks FIRST

It is so easy to let the little rocks in life take so much time and to push the big rocks off to the side or put them in last.  It is so easy to get caught up with the little things in life and let those little things take our precious time.  We need to learn to focus on the big rocks that are important to us such as family and friends.  The most important thing we need to try to do is to find a balance in life and make it a priority to put our big rocks first.  There is only so much time in a day and we can only fit so much in our buckets.  After watching the “Big Rocks” clip, I really began to think about my rocks and my priorities.  This past week, the rock idea has been in my mind and I have been trying to not stress over the little things, the things I usually can’t change.  Watching this video reminded me that it is important to find a balance and put the big rocks in first.

Check out the video.  How do you make your rocks fit?



  1. Lori- I agree that it is so important to put our big rocks in our buckets first. It is so easy to get caught up in all of the small rocks in our busy schedules. I also believe that balance is the key word in life. I feel that the video attached below allows us t stop and think of the big picture. We need to stop and remind ourselves what is important to us. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I also believe that it is key to try not to stress over the small rocks in everyday life. I know it is easier said than do, but we all can benefit from working on this.

  2. You said it perfectly, Lisa! It is not worth it to sweat the small stuff. Worry about the big rocks and everything else will fall into place. At times, it may be difficult to say no, but sometimes we just have to say it.

  3. We heard a similar article in our community, Anoka 16. It was a real eye-opener. I agree with you that we only have so many hours in a day and we can only do so much. We also need to take care of our health and find time for ourselves.

  4. I am also in the Anoka16 community and we heard the same thing. I agree that it is so easy to get caught up with the little things. As we finish off the school year, I also want to keep this in mind and remember why we became teachers and what is really important in the whole scheme of things.
