Friday, December 20, 2013


For the past two weeks, I have tried to implement new technology into my classroom.  An app that I have tried with my whole class is called Pic Collage.  It is a very simple app in which the students can choose pictures and add text.  We have been using the app for vocabulary.  To use this in my class with one iPad, I have been projecting the iPad and introducing the word.  As a class, we choose a picture that represents the word.  We either take a picture or upload one from the web.  My students really enjoy this app because it helps them to make connections between pictures and words.  I really like this app because it gives the students choice in the picture they want to represent the word.
Another app I have implemented in my classroom is Targeting Maths 2.  I really like this app because grade level math strands are targeted.  The students practice individually under their account during Math Stations.  Students are able to practice a skill by answering questions and then choosing a badge for their account.   Afterwards, I can enter their account to see their progress.  Although this app is expensive ($8.99), I believe it is beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Flashcardlet is another great app for vocabulary words. I use it for sight words though. The nice thing about the app is that you can input the words you want students to practice and it will allow students to hear words read to them if they are unsure of the word or need to check if they read the word correctly.
